White Male Cats With Blue Eyes Deaf

White cats with one blue eye and one yellow eye are often deaf on the ear on the side of the blue eye left eye blue.
White male cats with blue eyes deaf. The gene responsible is an autosomal dominant gene termed W for White. The white spotting factor can create blue-eyed or odd-eyed cats if it reaches one or both eyes. Coat color and an aspect of the cats personality or another aspect of anatomy can be linked if the gene that dictates the cats colour and a gene which affects the way the brain develops are situated close together on the same chromosome.
Researchers found that only 17 to 22 percent of white cats with non-blue eyes are born deaf. Cats with white Spots. Deafness is more likely to occur in white cats with blue eyes.
And 65 to 85 percent of white cats with two blue eyes were deaf. The deafness is linked to the so-called W gene. Not all blue-eyed white cats are deaf but many of them are.
The roll of the genetic dice that produces a white blue-eyed and typically. Albino cats are not linked to deafness. In those with only one blue eye 30-40 will be deaf so the majority will have normal hearing.
The blue eyes in a piebald or epistatic white cat indicates a lack of tapetum. These cats are three to five times more likely to be deaf than white cats with non-blue eyes. Deafness in blue-eyed white cats.
These animals are well-known to be commonly affected by a congenital hereditary deaf-ness that may affect one or both ears. Some of the cats were deaf in only one ear - interestingly if a cat had a blue eye on the right side of her head she tended to be deaf in the. The deaf ear is usually on the same side as the blue eye.