Cats Eye Gemstone In Hindi

Cats eye stone in hindi.
Cats eye gemstone in hindi. 1 लहसनय रतन क फयद Lahsuniya stone cats eye gemstone benefits in Hindi. We are counted amidst one of the major manufacturer and Suppliers of Cats Eye Gemstone in India and abroad. Cats eye is an aluminate of beryllium having traces of oxide of iron and chromium which serve as coloring agents and give it brownish and greenish tinges.
Lehsunia gemstone combats against several serious diseases related to the heart stomach brain and mind. The Cats Eye gemstone is known as Beryllium Aluminium Oxide in chemical terminology and is symbolised as Al2BeO4. Cats Eye is called LahsuniyaLehsuniya in Hindi Sanskrit and attributed to Ketu.
500 Carat Get Latest Price. Cats Eye Lahsuniya Vaidooryam Vaiduryam in Hindi is a semi precious gemstone found in shades of colours like gray black honey and yellowish green. It is generally said about the cats eye gemstone that if this planet is positioned at negative.
Apart from its appearance which is particular and set apart by chatoyancy its mystical forces and properties have constantly intrigued individuals. Cat Eye gemstone benefits in hindi लहसनय कत क रतन ह ज क बहद चमकल हत ह अपन वशष बनवट क करण इस अगरज म कटस आई कह जत ह. The chrysoberyl mineral produces three types of gems.
It is a gemstone with intense planetary energies and shows effects quite fast. Cats Eye Lehsunia Quartz Cats Eye Quartz Indian stone price buy gemstone online certified natural at wholesale best cheap rate astrology benefits gems for katuBuy certified natural quartz cats eye lehsunia in hindi gems gemstones online at wholesale price catseye gemstone stones use for astrology benefits test of cats eye gem stone for katu. Published on 15apr 2020.
Sort by popularity Sort by average rating Sort by latest Sort by price. The green coloured Cats Eye gemstone is aluminates of beryllium and replicates the brilliance of the eyes of a cat thus getting its name. Cats Eye is an Optical phenomenon seen in few varieties of Gemstones.