Black Cat Superstition Facts

Black Cats Superstitions Myths and FactsNo feline is more maligned than the black cat.
Black cat superstition facts. Actually the superstitions about black cats being bad luck came from the christians trying to discredit the pagans in Europe. In England black cat superstition leads to the belief that if you give a bride a black cat on her wedding day the marriage will be blessed with good luck. The feline would be deemed a witchs familiar and the owner accused of witchcraft.
A black cat is always associated with luck. Black cats have played a major role in the celebration of halloween since they are closely involved in many superstitions and in mythology. Black Cats Are Bad Luck.
Black Cats werent always considered bad luck. Much to the chagrin of cat lovers this superstition is also found worldwide. When cats were eventually domesticated in egypt people thought black cats were direct descendants of bastet.
The witch would be condemned to death and the cat would endure a similar fate. Black cats are good luck. Although most superstitions around black cats are untrue they still have an influence.
Its most likely based on Scottish wildcats or a hybrid of these and domestic cats. Good luck is thought to come your way if you dream about a black cat if you see one walking toward you or if you find a white hair on its black coat. It was often believed that a woman living alone and owning a black cat was a witch.
Unfortunately black cats are often considered a superstition and are often less likely to be adopted from shelters. Actually black cat increases power of witches. This fear of black cats appears to stem from medieval times when an animal with dark feathers or fur including crows and ravens signaled death.